
Welcome. Thank you for visiting Fernilee Memories.

This site shares our family history in Fernilee going back many generations this includes not only many old photographs. life of people , history set in the glorious Goyt Valley High Peak Derbyshire.

Walking down valley towards the river Goyt footbrideg

Today visitors enjoy the beauty of Goyt valley and the lovely clean expanses of picturesque reservoirs and dales.

A snapshot of Fernilee written in 1874 beautifully describes the Goyt valley and still retains that same charm.

The romantic and highly picturesque village of Fernilee, in the parish of Hope, from its interesting and secluded situation affords, whether in winter or summer, some of the most charming landscapes in Derbyshire.
Shut out in the greater part from the busy scenes of daily life, and the dull monotony of the town, it fairly reveals in its own quietness and solitude, with nothing to create discord on its grassy slopes or finely-wooded hills.

A walk down the valley to the footbridge over the river Goyt.

River Goyt footbridge

The clear rippling stream of the Goyt which flows through the valley as a small Brooklet, unpolluted with the filth and chemicals which are poured into its waters lower down, abounds with fish which may here and there be seen sporting about, or leaping after the flies upon its surface.
Here and there rich meadow and pasture land with cultivated fields and farm houses, some of rude construction, and others of more refined build, dot the landscape, whilst in the distance loom thickly wooded copses and wild moor land, where the pheasant, the partridge, the rabbit, and other game may be found. Taxal Church, in the centre of a wood, also appears a conspicuous object in the distance; whilst on the slope of a hill may be noticed the neat and handsome little chapel erected by the Wesleyan Methodists, whose sway in this neighbourhood appears to exceed all other denominations.

Glenys and Jazz enjoying the view of Errwood Reservoir at the ruins of Errwood Hall.

Magnificent view of Errwood Reservoir and the lovely Rhodendrums.

There are also two coal mines, one worked in the usual way, and the other has had its coal drawn by an inclined tunnel from the bowels of the earth. Near these mines there are a few cottages and neat farm houses, and also a little inn. The line conveying the wagons of the Buxton Lime Company also passes through this way, skirting the hill side, and carried under the Buxton highway through a deep cutting, and then to the incline on the old Cromford and High Peak Railway.

In one or two secluded spots there are snugly ensconced in shady dells some fine villa residences, a few cottages, and farm stead’s, all within a short distance of the above highway. In the valley at the foot of towering heights, clad with trees and verdure, there are situated the gunpowder mills, of Jas. Hall Williamson, & Co., known as the Fernilee Gunpowder Mills.

Taken from High Peak News 4 July 1874 “Fernilee and its gunpowder mills”

1960s Our family Grandma, Timmy our dog, Dad, Mum, Christine, Laurence, Mr&Mrs Capewell. Just to left of the photo the white building is the old demolished Brocklehurst farm. Our cottage’s can be seen just at the bottom of the lane. One of our favourite walks takes us up the Green. Turn right onto the main road then turn right and walk down the Valentine to Fenilee reservoir. The Valentine had cherry trees on both sides glorious blossom in Springtime.

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